Best Practices in Content Management for Social Networks

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The backbone of any business institution is the process of information management, known as Content Management (CM). It involves the use of a set of technologies that facilitated collection, publishing and management of information. Information can be sourced from various mediums and platforms.

Why Businesses Need CM

Social media has become one of the most important marketing platforms of recent times. Through the use of digital content like texts, multimedia files and other kinds of applications businesses share information easily. This information is targeted at customers and sometimes at other businesses. The effect of this is that there are new rules and trends governing how, where and when information is shared.

When information is shared Business-to-Customer (B2C) there are different rules to abide by. Likewise, when information is to be shared Business-to-Business (B2B) the rules have to be more corporate. Similarly, as goals and objectives of business enterprises vary the approach to content management differs. Whatever the case may be scrutiny of the content before publishing is a crucial best practice. That’s because the content influences the progress of the business.

Businesses on social media must make sure that there are no slipups and misuse of language. There have been cases where offended customers have sued businesses for abusive behavior, racist comments and even fraud. Therefore it is a recommended best practice that business people pay special attention to the content they share on social media. To ensure this, sharing responsibilities is an important best practice.

Some basic roles and responsibilities that implement various best practices include the following:

  • Creator of Content: Writes and edits the content.
  • Editor: Tunes the content and style of delivery. This includes paying attention to interpretation and localization of the content.
  • Publisher: Releases the content on social media.
  • Administrator: Manages permission to data (files and folders).
  • Customers: The guests or viewers of the content read and share the information with friends on social media.

Plagiarism of Content

One of the most dangerous aspects of using web content is the risk of plagiarism. Google picks any content available on the World Wide Web. This includes information on websites and social media as well. Businesses must make sure the content they share is authentic and completely original. If care is not taken, other companies with copyrights can sue businesses for stealing content.

Ignoring situations where other businesses steal your content can be a bad thing for the business. Customers will mistake the other business for yours. This will lead to losses in your business due to lack of best practices. Moreover, there have been fraudulent websites that have created scandals and disgraced some businesses by abusing their content. Once reputation is damaged on social media recovering it is almost impossible. Therefore, using tools to ensure that content is free of plagiarism is a very important best practice.

Reading guides about social media is very important before one begins to use them for business.

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