Laws and Regulations for Human Resources

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Compliance with three very sensitive laws and regulations is a very crucial best practice for managers. These include providing equal opportunities for employees, affirmative action, and preventing sexual harassment of employees. These and other regulations and laws have a huge impact of human resources in every business institution complying with best practices.

Equal Opportunity

The EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) laws cover individuals and protect them against illegal discrimination at work. This best practice covers people against discrimination based on race, age and gender. People that belong to this category of worker are often referred to as the “Protected Class.” According to the Federal Laws, the following characteristics require protection:

  • Color, race and ethnic origin
  • Gender, particularly women and includes pregnant women
  • Age, applicable to people above forty years
  • Disabilities, physical or mental
  • Military experience, e.g. Vietnam veterans
  • Religion

The EEO specifically ensures that workers get equal opportunities for success at work as a best practice.

Affirmative Action

This best practice requires employers to make extra efforts to hire people belonging to a protected group. It means taking specific actions to eliminate negative effects of discriminations made in the past. The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) was established in 1964 Civil Right Act, Titled VII. The scope of this commission extends to the following laws to ensure best practices:

  • The 1964 Civil Rights Act: Prohibiting discrimination based on religion, race, sex, color and national origin.
  • 1991 Civil Rights Act: This law allows individuals to prosecute the offender for penal damages with intentional discrimination. The employer bears the burden of proving himself innocent for failure to practice compliance with best practices.
  • 1963 Pay Act: Differences according to the sex of the employee are prohibited according to this regulation.
  • 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act: Dismissal of female workers due to pregnancy is prohibited according to this act. In addition it provides compliance of employees to offer job security, while female workers take maternity leaves.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act: People with disabilities (mental or physical) are protected by this law. It also binds employers with compliance to provide accommodation of the disabled workers to make them comfortable.
  • The Vocational Rehabilitation Act: This act requires employers to inform employees with disabilities about compliance with the affirmative plans, and prohibits the discrimination of disables workers.

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome sexual advances at work places that are verbal or physical in nature are classified as sexual harassment. It could be in the form of sexual suggestive remarks, touching against the victims’ wish, requesting sexual favors of employees and other forms of sexual behavior. Since 1983 the U.S government had started looking into this topic and in 1993 the Supreme Court made a ruling. It enacted civil right laws protecting workers against sexual harassments as a crucial best practice.

Sexual harassment is not limited to women alone, and also protects male employees. Some best practices recommended to prevent sexual harassment are:

  • Compliance with a company policy on sexual harassment.
  • Training and communication of supervisors and managers to lookout for sexual harassment.
  • Conduct regular and impartial investigation against a convict immediately a complaint is made.

These three regulations ensure compliance with standards for best practices in the Human Resources section of any organization.

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