Health and Safety Commission (HSC) Regulations

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The HSC was established in 1974 by the United Kingdom Non-Departmental Public Body. The main purpose of establishing this body was to look out for the well being of workers and employers. With time the guidelines set by the HSC have become a foundation for other Health and Safety Commissions all over the world. Therefore, in order to ensure best practices there is a need for an insight into HSC regulations.

The main requirement of these regulations is to assist employers with effective risk assessment. Every business institution as well as healthcare facility requires health and safety for its employees. Therefore, the format of risk assessment must be as simple and straight forward as possible to ensure best practices.

Five Best Practices for Risk Assessment

These five steps will provide more information which is necessary for risk assessment.

  • Make provisions to ensure implementation of necessary health and safety measures which have been assessed as important.
  • Assign experienced people who have sound knowledge of the best practices. These people will be able to assist in implementing the necessary arrangements.
  • Install emergency processes and measures at appropriate points.
  • Train the employees and provide easy to understand and clear instructions and information about the emergency procedures.  If necessary conduct regular training seminars to keep the employees updated.
  • In some cases, it is a form of best practice to cooperate with other employers sharing the same workplace to ensure the health and safety of every employee.

HSC Implements Changes Time to Time

Business owners who abide by the health and safety commission need to stay updated all the time. There are changes the HSC introduces into its health and safety guidelines based on the employees’ responses. There is constant improvement and therefore certain actions and options to ensure best practices. These changes are made after the executives of the HSC consult employees who have been affected by legislative proposals and who have adopted the various risk assessment, management and control methods.

Triggers for HSC Action against Business Institutions

Regular risk assessment is a best practice and in order to ensure proper risk management certain requirements must be fulfilled.

  • Evidence of health hazards, accidents, hazard to the public.
  • Failure to upgrade technology to ensure minimized risk.
  • Complaint to the HSC by an employee or customer.

HSC Options

When and where the HSC decides a business institution needs reforms to ensure best practices in health and safety they take any of the following approaches:

  • Provide guidance for the organization to enable them to focus and improve where they are lacking.
  • Introduce approved Coded of Practice to the organization
  • Acquaint the businesses with regulations for health and safety.

As long as one ensures best practices and abides by the HSC both employees and employers will have a fruitful interaction.

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