War Regulations: 5 W Questions Answered

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Many people are not aware of the fact that there are some war rules and regulations in place. However, the sad part is that such regulations are hardly abided by. A great number of countries tend to neglect these law regulations and do as they like when they are at war.

Nonetheless, to help you understand war regulations in a better way, answered below are some of the most commonly asked war regulations questions. They are broken into “5 W questions” for an easy understanding:


Regulations in simple words are rules that have to be followed. War regulations are war related rules that clearly give a framework that has to be followed during wars so that the damage caused is minimized.

Wars mean destruction, especially if they are unregulated. Hence, regulations are implemented so that the aftermath is not that destructive.


This is one of the most commonly asked questions. The statement ‘everything is fair in love and war’ shows how dangerous a war can be as there seems to be no limit to the damage one can cause.

Understandably, there is a dire need to set laws so that all the parties to a war know their limitations. People realized the need for war laws mainly after the carnage that was witnessed after the first two World Wars. Thousands of soldiers were brutally murdered. Even civilians were not shown any mercy by the opposition.

As the dust on the World Wars settled, many humanitarian organizations stood up to talk about setting up rules and regulations about war. Thanks to their efforts, there now lie war laws that clearly explain the rights of the aggrieved party (civilians, prisoners, etc.) and the limitations of the dominant force.

Since the inception of such laws, the number of war deaths has greatly reduced as countries that get into war have to take care of war regulations.


War regulations are generally international laws that apply globally. However, some countries may have their own war related laws, especially laws concerning civil war where the people of the same nation are fighting against each other.


War regulations are applicable every situation and not only when the countries are at war. For example: War rules clearly indicate how war prisoners should be treated. This does not mean that the rules have to be followed only during the war. Prisoners have to be treated properly even when the war has ended.


War laws and regulations are to be obeyed by everyone who is directly or indirectly linked to the war, especially the attacker and the defender. The law puts in regulator for all the parties to a war, including supporters.

Some rules are generic: such as ‘no genocide’ or ‘killing of civilians’ while some laws apply to specific parties.

We hope that all your queries regarding war regulations have been answered. To know more about application war regulations and war regulation history check more pages on this website.

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