Best Practices for Software Testing

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When software applications are designed, there are best practices that must be used to test the software. There are twenty eight best practices that are highly recommended to ensure compliance and risk management. These twenty eight best practices can be subcategorized into three main groups. These are:

1. Basic Best Practices:

These are those best practices that are needed to get something started. Once you become comfortable with the software application, you can benefit from these best practices. This does not mean that you will never need these basic best practices again in future. Basic best practices are always part of the system. This group of best practices includes the following best practices:

i.      Use of Functional Specification

ii.      Implementing Reviews And Inspection

iii.      Compliance with Formal Entry And Exit Criteria

iv.      Evaluating Functional Test – Variations

v.      Compliance with Testing of Multi-Platforms

vi.      Implementing Internal Betas

vii.      Execution of Automated Test

viii.      Implementation and Compliance with Beta Programs

ix.      Compliance with Nightly Builds

2. Foundational Best Practices:

These are those best practices that must be laid as a strong beginning to the software. These continue to hold the process of building up the software application till the end. In the end, the software has a solid format that protects the application against risk of failure as changes are made to modify the application. Best practices in this subcategory include the following:
i.      Monitoring User Scenarios

ii.      Testing the Usability

iii.      Compliance with In-Process ODC Feedback Loops

iv.      Implementing use of Butterfly Profiles or Multi-Release ODCs

v.      Compliance with Requirements for Plans for Testing

vi.      Ensuring Generation of Automated Testing

3. Incremental Best Practices:

These are specialized best practices that may not have specifically visible advantages. However, they do have a strong impact on the development of the software. Their true benefits are only visible in the long term. The best practices included in this subcategory include the following:

i.      Making Teams of Developers and Testers

ii.      Compliance with Code Coverage

iii.      Compliance with Generator of Automated Environment

iv.      Compliance with Tests Required For Help with Shipping On Demand

v.      Compliance with the “Stake Task Diagram”

vi.      Testing Failure of Memory Resource with Simulations

vii.      Compliance with Statistical Testing

viii.      Implementing Semiformal Methods

ix.      Compliance with the required “Check-In Test” For Testing Codes

x.      Ensuring Recording of Every Minimized Regression Test Case

xi.      Compliance with the Instrumented Versions (or Version) Of MTTF being used

xii.      Ensuring Compliance with Benchmark Trends

xiii.      Implementing the use of Bug Boundaries

These best practices for software testing are very effective when companies prefer to design and develop their own software applications.

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